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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

神使 - Divine Messenger
神使 - Divine Messenger


神使 - Divine Messenger

曾品騏, 陳毅 - Tseng,pin-chi, Chen,Yi

臺灣「乩童文化」是宮廟文化不可或缺的宗教儀式之一,其展現的宗教信仰特色、儀式程序,不僅保留了全世界最完整的信仰文化,更為臺灣無形文化資產的代表之一。然而隨著社會的變遷,這們獨特神秘的傳統文化逐漸被遺忘甚至曲解。有鑑於此, 臺灣的「靈媒協會組織」因應臺灣政府近年進行宗教文化意象特色推廣,特別針對「乩童文化」進行宗教文化形象推廣。本設計以儀式文化的奧義為設計理念,將抽象的乩童特有文化轉化為有形的圖騰形象,讓人們了解乩童是神明與人們的溝通橋樑,也是存在民間信仰的靈魂人物,希望能夠化解人們對乩童的誤會,讓乩童信仰文化本身能重新再現自己的社會角色跟形象。 - Taiwanese “Tongji Culture” is one of the indispensable religious ceremonies of the temple culture. In manifesting the features of religious beliefs and ritual procedures, not only does it retain the most comprehensive belief culture in the world, it also represents one of Taiwan's intangible cultural assets. However, with our ever-changing society, this unique and mysterious traditional culture has been gradually forgotten or even misinterpreted. In view of this and the Taiwanese government's promotion of religious and cultural images in recent years, Taiwan's "spiritual media associations" have been actively promoting religious and cultural images for Tongji Culture. With the profound meanings of ritual culture as the concept, the design transforms the unique, abstract culture of the Tongji into a tangible totem image so that people can better understand how the Tongji serves as an Avenue of communication between the gods and people, as well as the soul of folk religion. The objective is to correct people’s misunderstandings so that the belief and culture of Tongji may reestablish its own role and image in society.