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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

餘光 - Glimmer
餘光 - Glimmer


餘光 - Glimmer

陳維琪, 蔡映竹, 王麗淳, 周昭瑀, 原禎 - Chen,Wei Chi, Cai, Ying-Zhu, 王麗淳, Chou, Chao-Yu, Yuan,Chen

因台灣特殊的地理位置,而有許多來自四面八方的外來產業文化,進而影響台灣形成特別的商業型態。我們以廣為人知的大稻埕、艋舺、北投,三個地區作為基底,統整該地區主要的產業並呈現出其特色,藉由立體書搭配光源的呈現,來表達產業沒落,也加深大眾對這些特色老街及地區的產業現況的了解。為此將書分為「大稻埕」、「艋舺」、「北投」,三本系列書籍,其中各收錄三間店家特色、外觀及內部,透過這些元素加上光源的設計製成立體書,增加互動及趣味性。 - Due to Taiwan's special geographical location, there are many foreign industrial cultures from all over the world, which in turn influence Taiwan to form a special business pattern.We take the well-known Dadaocheng, Mengka, and Beitou as the base to unify the main industries in the region and present their characteristics. Through the presentation of pop-up books and light sources, we express the decline of the industry and deepen the public. An understanding of the current industrial conditions of these characteristic old streets and areas.For this reason, the book is divided into three series, "Dadaocheng", "Monga" and "Beitou", each of which includes the characteristics, appearance and interior of three stores. Through these elements and the design of light sources, pop-up books are made , to increase interaction and fun.