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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

鯤島雜病錄 - Formosa Medical Record Diagnosis
鯤島雜病錄 - Formosa Medical Record Diagnosis


鯤島雜病錄 - Formosa Medical Record Diagnosis

邱子芸, 廖勁豪, 李妍昕, 楊舜宇, 陳彥瑋 - Ciou,Zih-Yun, Liao,Jing-Hao, Lee,Yen-Hsin, Yang,Shun-Yu, Chen,Yen-Wei

在臺灣這塊土地上,有著許多因人為破壞而造成的環境污染及影響,面對各種不同的污染因素,我們將臺灣區分成五個地形來描述,分別依照臺北盆地、林口臺地、苗栗丘陵、南投山地、屏東平原,並透過「萬物皆有靈」的表現手法,將祂們繪製成具有獨特風格的守護神,展現出各個具有地方特色的五隻地形神獸。再運用「內經圖」的敘述,將人體比喻為環境,並加上相關汙染破壞的新聞QR code資訊相互搭配,來表達祂們的體內潛藏了許多不同的危害,正所謂必須要身體內的氣血經絡通順,維持好的運作,才能使外在的表現形態有好的樣貌,以此邏輯觀念形式,透過插畫表現的方式來呈現環境保育的重要性。 - There are many environmental pollutions and impacts caused by man-made destruction in Taiwan. Facing various pollution factors, we divide Taiwan into five terrains, Taipei Basin, Linkou Platform, and Miaoli Hills, Nantou Mountains, and Pingtung Plain. Through expressions of "spirits of all things ", five topographical mythical beasts with local characteristics are drawn as patron saints with unique styles. We use the "Inner Landscape" to describe the human body as the metaphor for the environment and relate the news QR code information to pollution and damage, thus, to express different hazards hidden in their bodies. Only when the blood meridians are smooth and maintain a good operation can the external manifestations have a good appearance. In the form of logical concepts, the importance of environmental conservation is presented through illustrations.