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銘傳大學 建築學系

竹工藝親子遊樂中心 Bamboo Art Parent-Child Interaction Park
竹工藝親子遊樂中心 Bamboo Art Parent-Child Interaction Park


竹工藝親子遊樂中心 Bamboo Art Parent-Child Interaction Park


竹工藝親子遊樂中心 _ 在地原生竹材的編織與構築 Bamboo Art Parent-Child Interaction Park _ Construct and weave with growing local bamboo. 作者名稱 Author l 王姵鈞 PEI-CHUN,WANG 指導教授 Advisor l 吳宗倫 TSUNG-LUN,WU / 蘇育民 YU-MIN,SU 基地位置 Site l 南投縣草屯鎮中正路572號(工藝文化園區) 台灣氣候溫暖潮濕,是相當適合竹材生長的環境,也因此竹材作為易於取得的材料常見於人們的生活中,像是作為食材食用與烹飪的容器、加工成編織材料構成了籃子等生活用品、又或是作為建材化為房屋等。因而從中衍生出了,台灣歷史上具有重要意義的竹產業與竹工藝文化。 然而,因為產業與環境的轉變,加上新材料如塑膠、金屬等的引入與取代,竹產業漸漸沒落,竹工藝也因後繼無人漸漸失傳。 竹作為材料,具有非常獨特的特性,韌性與強度高的同時,中空的構造讓它與其他自然材料相較之下更為輕盈,可彎曲的特性更讓它有編織這種構築方式,這些讓竹材構成的空間具有高度的變化性與趣味。 因此,如果將竹構空間與孩童遊戲空間相結合,同時於中置入能讓孩童對竹材有更多了解的展示與學習空間,讓孩童於玩耍中學習到關於竹的知識,因此對竹產生興趣,竹產業與文化也得以繼續傳承下去。 The weather in Taiwan is very warm and humid, it's very suitable for bamboo growing. So bamboo is common in early Taiwan people's living environment as variety of types. Like ingredients, or woven into daily necessities like basket, or to bulid as a house as building materials. Lots of bamboo industry and bamboo craft culture which is important in Taiwan history developed form it. However, because of the transform of industry environment and be replaced by new material like plastic and metal, bamboo industry declined and the culture gradually be lost. Bamboo has very special feature as a material. It has high tenacity and it's hollow sturcture make it much light with other natural materials. And it could be bending so it can be weaving, those variety constrution form make the space become interesting. If combine bamboo structure and childen playground, put space for display and education. Let children can learn about bamboo with playing, and become interesting with it, bamboo culture could be continued. "E house" hopes to be able to enjoy the interaction and care between people who come home in this warm space like home. In the future, we will all be carers or people being cared for. At that time, we hope that there will be a place that can accommodate all the good and the bad.