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藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan




葉采薇 Yeh Tsai-Wei(1988-)

我是誰? 我是誰?從哪裡來?要到哪裡去? 這是誰的故事?哪一個才是真正的我? 關於「我」,你了解了多少?又還有多少未知? 我們對自己是否已經足夠誠實? 藝術家葉采薇擅長膠彩畫,她以帶有插畫與敘事情節的畫面,傳遞出屬於自己世代的內在心聲。作品〈在歧路〉,在瀰漫著一股奇異且神祕氛圍的畫面中,兩位外貌相似的小女孩,穿著白色洋裝,裸著腳丫,獨立站在長滿著雜草的野外。這兩位小女孩,其實皆是葉采薇自我內在的投射,其中一位雙手拿著小小的仙人掌,仙人掌長滿著刺,隱喻著女孩刻意武裝,實際上卻無比脆弱的內心。另外一位則姿態徬徨地踟躕著,似乎不知該如何選擇接下來的道路。葉采薇透過作品,試圖訴說在社會化過程中,人們努力將自己形塑成符合他人所期待的樣子,最後卻無法分辨出真正的自己。 Who Am I? Who am I? Where am I from? And where am I going? Whose story is this? Which one is the real me? How much do you know about your Self? And how much is unknown? Are we honest enough with ourselves? YEH Tsai-Wei is skilled in eastern gouache, creating narrative illustrations to convey her inner voice that belongs to her own specific generation. At Branch Road creates a strange and mysterious image. Two bare feet girls wearing white dresses are standing alone in an overgrown wilderness, serving as the projection of the artist’s inner-self. One of the girls is holding a small thorny cactus, insinuating the girl’s intent to arm and defend her extremely fragile heart. The other girl looks around with great uncertainty, unsure of the next path to take. YEH Tsai-Wei has used this artwork to describe the process of socialization where people mold themselves to fit social expectations, but end up being unable to recognize their true personalities.