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藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan




杜珮詩 Tu Pei-Shih(1981-)

充滿虛擬的世界,我們如何分辨真實 ? 在媒體充滿的世代,我們能分辨資訊的真偽嗎?什麼才是真實 ? 也許要從「質疑」開始,接著需要一些「勇氣」, 而發現真相和面對不美好的現實,然後呢? 又或著其實我們並不介意真偽,只希望生活中多點刺激 ? 藝術家杜珮詩擅長創作虛構故事場景,探討全球化、資本主義與國家政治機器等對社會的影響。作品〈誰在乎真實〉全片以手工拼貼為創作方式,大量挪用既有影像,以2008年英國衛報報導日本G8高峰會的新聞為題材,畫面四周以高彩度的植物、蔬果為拼貼元素,中央長桌兩側的各國代表歡快地討論國際事務與全球發展目標。杜珮詩營造出媚俗矯飾與大量裝飾性的視覺風格,豪華餐會的照片成為敘事文本,建構出看似歡樂如劇場般的構圖,實際是諷刺糧食危機下,第一世界國家所存有泡沫化經濟的危機。 In This World Full of Virtuality, How Can We Tell What is True? In a time where media is everywhere, can we tell true information and false information apart? And what exactly is truth? Maybe we should start with questioning and take some courage to find out about the truth and face the grim reality—but then what? Or maybe we don’t care about truth or not and simply want more excitement in life? TU Pei-Shih is good at creating fictional scenes, discussing what the influences of capitalism, globalization, and nationalism on the society are. In Who Cares about the Real, she uses hand-made collages and a lot of misappropriation of existing images. In the work, the artist chooses The Guardian's Japanese G8 summit news in 2008 as the material. All colorful plants, vegetables, and fruits as collage elements are decorated around the picture. Representatives from various countries around the table happily discuss international affairs and global development goals. The decorative visual style and the photos of the luxurious diners reorganize the seemingly joyous theater-like layout. The ironic dinner scene serves as sarcasm for food crisis and economic issues in First World countries.