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國立雲林科技大學 數位媒體設計系

伴 - With You
伴 - With You


伴 - With You

蔡亞美, 謝依璇, 黃昕 - Tsai,Ya -Mei, Hsieh,Yi-Hsuan, Bong,Xin

當一個人習慣了另一個人的陪伴、對你的好都變成理所當然,人就會自然而然地,對他失去關心。把握時間,珍惜與身邊的人相處的機會,因為你永遠不知道他何時會離你而去。 - When a person becomes accustomed to another person's company, and the good things they do for you become a matter of course, they will naturally lose interest in that person. Seize the time and cherish the opportunity to be with the person next to you, because you never know when he will leave you.