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中華大學 工業產品設計學系

ØH2O-潾 / ØH2O- The  Lake
ØH2O-潾 / ØH2O- The  Lake


ØH2O-潾 / ØH2O- The Lake


作品名稱 :ØH2O-潾 / ØH2O-The Lake 尺寸 Dimension:60cm×60cm×4cm 作品介紹 Description: 運用大理石透光的特性與夜光樹脂的搭配,其概念為將一池湖水掛起,水紋以堆疊的方式照映出日間的波光粼粼和夜晚的寧靜。 Utilizing the light-transmitting properties of marble combination of luminous resin, show concept of Lin is to hang a pool of lake water, and the water patterns are stacked to reflect the sparkling of the day and the tranquility of the night.