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中華大學 工業產品設計學系





作品介紹 尺寸:100cm×25cm×45cm 材質:EVA泡棉、高密度海綿 設計概念:3~6歲兒童在認知方面,會對周圍的世界充滿好奇,需要提供多樣化的環境與探索機會,鼓勵他們自己去尋找答案。他們會與其他小夥伴玩合作的遊戲,增強群體意識。 將傳統巧拼結合積木,設計一套模組化的室內遊具。運用磁吸讓兒童自由拆解組合。使用EVA泡棉防撞的特性,讓兒童在玩樂過程中更加安全,環境也不會造成損壞。鋸齒造型具有止滑與卡扣的功能。有別於市面上巧拼,材質間多加高密度海綿,使其具有彈性並減輕重量,讓玩樂增添趣味。 In terms of cognition, children between the ages of three and six are naturally curious about the world around them. We should give them a diverse environment, opportunities to explore, and inspire them to find answers on their own. They should play cooperative games with other children to strengthen group consciousness. The design of this modular indoor game combines traditional puzzles and building blocks. Magnets enable children to freely assemble/disassemble the module. The EVA foam is impact-proof, which is safer for children and will not damage the surrounding environment while they are playing. The serrated shape provides anti-slip and snapping functions. It is unique from other puzzle games in the market; the high-density sponge between the materials can increase flexibility, reduce weight, and make the puzzle more interesting to play with. IG專頁:_kids_2021