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中華大學 工業產品設計學系

繪玩/Painting & Play
繪玩/Painting & Play


繪玩/Painting & Play


設計說明:「繪玩」是不同軟硬、不同的表面紋理,可刺激小朋友手部發展,以「點、線、面」構圖,讓3~6歲小朋友自由創作的繪畫套組。以生活中的奶嘴、刷具、油漆滾筒為造型,繪製出屬於自己的圖畫。 "Drawin&play" is a painting set of "points, lines,surface" composition for 3 to 6 years old children freely create.The different hard and soft, different surface texture, can stimulate the development of children's hands.Use life's nipples, brushes, paint rollers for the shape, draw their own pictures.