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集聚—找尋目的地 Accumulation — Searching for the Destination
集聚—找尋目的地 Accumulation — Searching for the Destination


集聚—找尋目的地 Accumulation — Searching for the Destination

塩田千春 Shiota Chiharu

年份:2014/2021 媒材:行李箱、馬達、紅繩 尺寸依空間而定 Courtesy: Galerie Templon, Paris/ Brussels 「人們離鄉背景只因心中有著想要前往的所在。 由於生活周遭充滿了各國人士,常會一時之間忘記我來自日本, 及至看見鏡子裡的倒影,才猛然發現我是黑頭髮與黑眼珠的亞洲人。 漂泊得越遠,融入得越多,就越能到達一個可以深刻凝望自身的境地, 以一種全新的目光。 看著堆起如小山的行李箱,眼前浮現的是它們背後的人們所過的生活。 他們為何遠離家園,尋找他方? 又為何踏出這段旅程? 我遙想著他們啟程出發的那一天,在那一個清晨裡心中所懷抱的感受。」 Year: 2014/2021 Medium: suitcase, motor, red rope Dimensions variable Courtesy: Galerie Templon, Paris/ Brussels “People leave their hometowns with a destination in mind. Living among people of different nationalities, I suddenly forget that I am Japanese. Looking at yourself reflected in a mirror, you realize for the first time that you have black hair and black eyes. The further you drift and the more you mix, the more you arrive at a place that allows you to stare hard at yourself, anew. When I look at a heaping pile of suitcases, all I see is a corresponding number of human lives. Why did these people leave the place they were born, in search of some destination? Why did they go on this voyage? I think back on the feelings of these people on the morning of their departure. ”