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不確定的旅程 Uncertain Journey
不確定的旅程 Uncertain Journey


不確定的旅程 Uncertain Journey

塩田千春 Shiota Chiharu

年份:2016/2021 媒材:金屬框、紅毛線 尺寸依空間而定 「線彼此糾纏、交織、斷裂、拆解。 它們總是映照出我內心世界的一角,彷彿在表現人與人之間不同的關係狀態。」 Year: 2016/2021 Medium: metal frame, red wool Dimensions variable “Threads become tangled, intertwined, broken off, unraveled. They constantly reflect a part of my mental state, as if they were expressing the state of human relationships.”