無有之地 _ 非地方與地方關係性重構
Non-Place _ Reconstruction of non-place and place relation.
作者名稱 Author l 蕭玉君 YU-CHUN,HSIAO
指導教授 Advisor l 孫珊美 SHAN-MEI,SUN
基地位置 Site l 迪化街一段65~89號(單號)
From the early highly-clustered agricultural society to industrial society in present emphasize the division of labor and the transformation of economic production mode that has caused changes in lifestyle, living styles, and connections. Globalization and the development of transportation networks disperse the functions of the traditional family and prompt individual to looking forward to exploring outside and no longer be confined to the local area, while they produce a state of mobility. Therefore, non-place are constantly flooding our lives.
Non-place and place have two sides, like a mirror. Existing at the same time and circulating with each other. By putting features of the non-place in the place, we can discuss the possibility of new space. In the meantime, it benefits to interpret the space of inherent historic buildings: perhaps the display, the spatial characteristics, the non-place, in the place have more local property than historic buildings that are inherent and be preserved.
Moreover, by embedding non-place features on Dihua Street, which has continuous and similar Townhouses, the original Townhouses have undergone a spatial change.
The spatial characteristics of non-place: isolation, modularity, fluidity, temporality, anonymity, and Non-identifiable, deconstruct the solidified historic buildings and then create a more localized space.