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Rug Pull Frens by Raimochi






Owner: Teferi Chiu Leaving work from an izakaya late one night, Tefi was tailed on his way home. Accidentally stumbling into a cul-de-sac, he fumbled through the clutter for something to defend himself with. Unfortunately, an all-too-small traffic cone was the best he could find. 從深夜的居酒屋下班以後,Tefi 在回家路上被神秘的陌生人尾隨了將近一公里。不小心誤入死巷後,他摸黑在雜物堆中尋找可能能夠用來防身的武器。很可惜地,這個過小的三角錐已經是他所能夠找到殺傷力最大的一個了。