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序曲 - 中國文化大學景觀學系第 38 屆畢業設計

中國文化大學 景觀學系





葉庭宇 / 陳柏均

軌跡_蘇澳車站及周邊空間改造規劃 Reconstruction and Planning of the Idle Track After the Abandoned Station of Suao Station 設計介紹:蘇澳車站近幾年有廢站的議題出現,在將來有閒置空間的出現,故想將此閒置空間規劃成為一塊鐵道文化園區,結合宜蘭線豐富的歷史文化和基地中的重要節點,並利用基地廣大的腹地創造出綠地休憩空間,提供給當地居民一塊嶄新廣大的綠地空間外,也能夠讓遊客了解到當地鐵路歷史。 In recent years, there has been the issue of abandoned stations at Suao Station, and there will be idle space in the future. Therefore, I want to plan this idle space into a railway cultural park, combining the rich history and culture of the Yilan Line and the important nodes in the base, and make use of it. The vast hinterland of the base creates a green space for rest, which not only provides a new and vast green space for local residents, but also allows tourists to learn about the local railway history 團隊成員: 葉庭宇 / TING-YU,YEH , 陳柏均 / BO-JUN,CHEN 0926300728 / 0978292208 timyeh728@gmail.com / a88729@gmail.com 指導老師:郭育任 YU-REN,GUO