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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

植癒所 - Plant Island
植癒所 - Plant Island


植癒所 - Plant Island

黃凱瑄, 黃郁姍 - Huang,Kai-Xuan, Huang,Yu-Shan

在雜嘈繁忙的生活中...一場人、自然、空間的碰撞在城市中展開,人與植物間互動孕育著彼此的交流,空間開始滲透綠意,透過園藝治療帶給人們不同層次的感知體驗。 - 。In the midst of the chaotic and bustling urban life, a conversation between people, nature, and space unfolds. Interactions between humans and plants nurture mutual communication, as greenery begins to permeate the space. Through horticultural therapy, people are offered various levels of perceptual experiences.