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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

苒豆-黃豆產業新發展 - lush beans-New Development of Soybean Industry
苒豆-黃豆產業新發展 - lush beans-New Development of Soybean Industry


苒豆-黃豆產業新發展 - lush beans-New Development of Soybean Industry


現在生活在市區的人類早已被工業化、科技化覆蓋了我們的生活圈,又長期受到重調味加工食品的影響,導致孩童已漸漸開始失去味覺,這些種種原因使我們想建造一個能讓大家在短暫的假期中享受大自然並且探索大自然的美好園區。 於是我們找到一位業主,他透過「野學校」讓孩子實地踏上土地的探索,深入了解黃豆的成長過程,並實現業主在未來5年間的規劃,設計一個完善的「觀光園區」。 - Human beings living in urban areas have already been covered by industrialization and technology, and they have been affected by heavily seasoned and processed foods for a long time, which has caused children to gradually lose their sense of taste. Enjoy nature and explore its beautiful parks during a short vacation. So we found an owner, who through the "wild school" allows children to explore the land on the ground, gain an in-depth understanding of the growth process of soybeans, and realize the owner's plan in the next 5 years to design a perfect "tourist park".