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嶺東科技大學 創意產品設計系

移苗裝置 - Seeding Transplant Assist Device
移苗裝置 - Seeding Transplant Assist Device


移苗裝置 - Seeding Transplant Assist Device

李雅婷, 邱雅絹, 何宗恩, 許展宸 - LI,Ya-Ting, Chiu,Ya-Chuan, Ho,Tzung-En, Xu,zhan-chen

以小型的農業生產者為出發點,因耕地範圍不大在費時耗力的 移苗上,提供一個有別於一般實施幼苗移栽產品的選擇,在達成多數移苗的 情況下,機具能夠搭配著遠端操控的自動化模式,提升效率、省時省力,改 善單一反覆的手動操作方式,去做為此產品設計的特別之處。 - Due to a smaller surface area farmland and inefficiency of transplanting seeds, this design provides a different and unique seed transplanter, this can mass plant the seeds with the use of automatic machine to increase productivity, decrease time and manual workload, and to further improve the efficiency of the transplanting process.