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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

兒童嗅覺電子教科書 - Children's sense of smell e-learning book
兒童嗅覺電子教科書 - Children's sense of smell e-learning book


兒童嗅覺電子教科書 - Children's sense of smell e-learning book

李皓哲、周子宸 - Lee Hao-Che, Chou siz-chen

利用化學物調和成的水果氣味,滴入水果模型的擴香石,讓幼兒認識水果的氣 味與顏色,教科書中含有螢幕,提供各項水果的食物介紹,激發他們對食物的 嗅覺與認識。 - Use the fruit smell blended with chemicals, drop it into the diffuser stone of the fruit model, let he children know the smell of the fruit Taste and color, the textbook contains a screen to provide food introductions of various fruits to stimulate their understanding of food.Smell and cognition.