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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

天鵝湖—香氛融蠟燈 - Swan Lake—Fragrance wax lamp
天鵝湖—香氛融蠟燈 - Swan Lake—Fragrance wax lamp


天鵝湖—香氛融蠟燈 - Swan Lake—Fragrance wax lamp

陳昱青 - Chen,Yu-Qing

採用維多利亞的秘密的翅膀及蕾絲元素作為發想,創造出向上延伸的流線型香氛夜燈。香氛蠟燭為手工特調,採用天然大豆蠟,調配玫瑰及依蘭的香精,能夠消除焦躁提提升幸福感。 - Based on Victoria's Secret's imagery of wings and laces, the uplifting wings of the Swan Lake night lamp form a streamlined shape that gradually morphs into the overall form of the abstract body. The fragrant wax is hand-made, with soy wax and rose and ylang-ylang essence that helps towards reducing anxiety and elevating moods.