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《向苦艾學習》Learning from Artemisia


《向苦艾學習》Learning from Artemisia

18.尤利.奧羅 Uriel OLROW

實地星球 Planet Terrestrial 2019–2020 三頻道錄像、壓克力顏料、油畫板,片長14分18秒,尺寸視空間而定 3-channel, acrylic paintings on canvas board, film 14 mins 18 secs, dimensions variable 協同合作|Collaborator:Lumartemisia CAE RDC and Dr Constant Tchandema 繪圖|Painting:Musasa 音樂|Musicians:Muteba Ardoz, Jean Tshitshi—orchestre jeunes étoiles des astres 翻譯|Translations:Sando Marteau, Lord Nassor 典藏資料|Archival Material:Museum Africa (Tervuren/Belgium) 特別感謝|Special Thanks to:Christine Bluard、Sandrine Colard-de Bock、Joseph Gaylard、Domitien Ramazin Beyla、Gabriele Salmi、Alain Sengar、Bruno Tshilond、Anne Welschen and Ateliers Picha (Lubumbashi) 作品原由盧邦巴希雙年展(Lubumbashi Biennale)委託製作 This work was originally commissioned by the Lubumbashi Biennale. 贊助支持:Pro Helvetia 瑞士文化基金會 Supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia