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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

老濕您好 社子島生態園區 - Shi Zhi Ecological Island
老濕您好 社子島生態園區 - Shi Zhi Ecological Island


老濕您好 社子島生態園區 - Shi Zhi Ecological Island


社子島是由基隆河與淡水河交匯而成的一個沖積平原,地形低窪。淹水一直都是社子島的日常,1963年的葛樂禮颱風讓社子島淹了兩天兩夜造成當地禁建40年,導致整個地區設施嚴重落後、產業不興盛,成為台北市內少數開發緩慢的地方。但令人驚嘆的是這樣的社子島內卻有豐富的濕地生態,與完善的自行車步道,我們想讓大家更加了解社子島生態,讓它的風景與美烙印在人們心中。 社子島擁有豐富的濕地生態和完善的自行車步道,即使社子島擁有這些卻鮮少人知道。 因此我們想要以「自然為師」,把社子島濕地當作學校,濕地的生物化為導師,帶領我們了解濕地的知識與社子島的故事。 透過溫柔可愛的插畫風格作為主要設計風格,讓插畫的溫度拉近與遊客的距離,使的煩悶的教材內容變得活潑生動, 透過可拆式的圖鑑搭配富有社子島裡的三個課程,社會、自然、體育等豐富資訊,以有趣的互動方式加深遊客對當地的生態體驗,讓大眾能夠輕鬆學習無負擔。 - Shi Zi island is a low-lying terrain alluvial plain that came across Keelung and Tamsui rivers. Flood has always been a problem on Shi Zi island, a typhoon called Gladys submerged the whole island for two days straight in 1963, which caused construction forbidden for 40 years and lead the society lag behind unexpectedly in Taipei city. Due to the forbidding construction and flood influence, Shi Zi island contains rich natural wetland ecology and a faultless cycling system. We’d like to introduce the beauty of Shi Zi island to people, letting tourists acknowledge the breathtaking landscapes and environment in their minds. Shi Zi island comes with a faultless wetland ecology and cycling system, not many those know even it’s well preserved. “Nature as mentors”. We represent the swamp as a school, creatures as mentors to spread the stories and knowledge to people. To make sure all ages of tourists prefer the design of it, we drew the layouts with a lovely sketch appearance to make the educational manual dynamic. Shi Zi island comes with three subjects, it has great society, nature, and PE that represent with removable creature instruction and manuals. The tourists can learn with ease through entertaining interaction.