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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系




張育玲, 邱柔瑄, 余采璇, 黃玟綺, 林珈宇, 黃品方 - Chang,Yu-Ling, Qiu,Rou-Xuan, Yu,Tsai-Hsuan, Huang,Wen-Chi, Lin,Jia-Yu, Huang,Pin-Fang

現代人的生活步調快,加上從各個管道接受大量訊息,使人們在不知不覺中累積壓力和焦慮,因此我們以能讓人感到平靜放鬆且提升注意力的白噪音,將其規律頻率的特色視覺化,並與聲音、剪紙、動畫連結在一起,規劃出兩個系列共十種款式的多媒體卡片,幫助大家釋放壓力找回平靜,達到淨透身心的功用。橫式卡片使用了連續的幾何圖形;直式則是圍繞四周的有機圖形,透過反覆的圖案構成剪紙畫面,產生秩序性,予人單純且規律的感受,整體設計運用了平穩的色調、單純的雕刻、多媒體律動以及少量印刷;外包裝的圖樣則是使用木材雕刻。藉由別出心裁的風格與質感調性,凸顯心靈寧靜的悠遠,呼應白噪音的安定與純粹。 - With the fast pace of modern life, people accumulate stress and anxiety without realizing. Therefore, we use white noise which cause people calm and relax. The features are visualized and linked with sound, paper-cutting, and animation. Two series of multimedia cards with a total of ten styles are planned to help people relieve stress and regain peace. The overall design uses smooth tones, pure engraving, multimedia rhythms and a small amount of printing. The outer packaging is carved in wood. Through the unique style and texture tone, it highlights the tranquility of the soul and echoes the stability and purity of white noise.