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國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系-TR!PLE

國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系


單人沙發組  COZY GLOB
單人沙發組  COZY GLOB




放空休息,切斷與周遭事物的連結和專注在當下,在企業界日益受歡迎,許多高階主管開始從事正念冥想,以協助他們制定決策和解決問題。 希望設計出最能夠讓高階主管休息之沙發椅及沙發邊桌,在高壓環境一整天後,回家能夠真正放鬆,享受無壓環境的專屬空間。 Taking a break, severing the connection to what's around them and focusing on the present moment is growing in popularity in the corporate world, with many executives engaging in mindfulness meditation to help them make decisions and solve problems. I hope to design the sofa chairs and sofa side tables that can best allow high-level supervisors to rest, and after a long day in a high-pressure environment, go home to truly relax and enjoy the exclusive space of the pressure-free environment.