「悦日」,在設計此建築時,希望住在這棟建築中的使用者,因建築內部的規劃與設計在身心靈上獲得放鬆,感到舒適,且擁有愉悅的日常生活。 在設計上分為兩棟建築,分為前棟(私人住宅)與後棟(招待所),在兩棟建築之間以過廊連結,提升便利性以及建築間的關聯性。
Daily Delightful is the name of the building. The reason that the structure was named for it is because the designer’s purpose is to make the people who feel comfortable, also get relaxed physically and mentally as for the planning as well as the designing of interior in daily life. The project has 2 buildings, one is a private house, the other is a hostel. There is a floating hallway between it. That construction can increase the convenience for the user and raise the connection. In the building structure, there was a carrying wall and flat slab construction. It will cause the space to be higher and the feeling of extension visually; also the more flexibility when planning. Some space on the ground floor was programmed as a traffic lane. It goes around the building. They had used plenty of French casements on the ground floor, in order to decrease the sense of gap and oppression from the interior. Moreover, we used the characteristics of penetration of glasses to increase the feeling of spaciousness. The first floor has a public restroom, dining room and living room. In addition, the ceiling of the living room has been raised to the second floor, as a result, when the resident standing in the hallway of the second floor can overlook the living room and the scene out of the building. There was a bedroom on the second floor and the style of the room was architectural concrete. When moving to the third floor, it had 2 bedrooms, master, living room, light shadow hallway and barbecue terrace. The ground floor of the hostel had a Southeast Asian style living room, simple kitchen and public restroom. On the other hand, the space on the second floor was base of white and gray style, architectural concrete; there had two guest rooms and one public bathroom.