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2022 線上畢展|典藏金賞 ARTOGOLD


典藏金賞是由 2022 線上畢業展延伸的獎項,邀請大眾與金探上線典藏,發掘新世代創作潛力。

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Shirine Lee

“HOW’S YOUR DAY日日安好” 一場觀眾即表演者的展覽,藉由參與過程逐漸深入自己的內心世界。 靈感來自於日常的一句話:「最近好嗎?」這句似是而非地在詢問對方的情緒,同時也諷刺了人們對於自己與他人情緒的冷漠、壓抑與不關心。情緒包含了感受、過往經驗與需求,當我們剖析情緒,我們將會得到更認識自己與他人的資訊。人與人之間的關係不是漫無目的的表達,也不是保持沈默壓抑情緒,而是練習好好說話。這場展演藉由多種角度切入情緒,讓觀眾在離開的時候真心地問自己一句:「我最近究竟好嗎? 」 "HOW’S YOUR DAY 日日安好" presents an exhibition in which the audience is the performer. By participating, you can get closer to your inner self. Inspired by a daily sentence: How’s your day? Despite pretending to ask about the other person's feelings, this sentence mocks indifference, depression, and indifference to other people's feelings. Emotions are a combination of feelings, memories, and needs. When we analyze emotions, we can gain more insight into ourselves and others. Relationships are not about expressing emotion aimlessly, nor are they about not expressing emotion, but about practicing speaking. In this exhibition, viewers are able to explore emotions from a variety of perspectives, allowing them to ask themselves sincerely after leaving: "How‘s really your day? - ‘HOW’S YOUR DAY 日日安好’ is an exhibition project by Shirine Lee as part of Interprofessional Studio at the Architectural Association School of Architecture (AAIS) March Festival – ECHO Artist Collaborator | Yunheng Huang 3D Animator | Reh Tseng, Yi Lin Tsai Musician | Can Aksan Attendee | Avery Kung, Chechuan Yeh, Dirk Tsai, Jal Wang, Jim Yen, Lisa Chou, Reh Tseng, Wen Chen, Yi Lin Tsai, Yangyang Ni, Yi Haung, Yi Ju Lin, Zoya Alina Currimbhoy Technical Advisor | Yi Ju Lin AAIS director | Theo Lorenz, Tanja Siems AAIS Studio Master | David McAlmont Tutors | Andreia Garcia, Andy Dean, Argyris Angeli, Heiko Kalmbach, Hila Shemer, Joel Newman, Kyriaki Nasioula, Malgorzata Dzierzon, Mona Camille, Noa Segev, Patricia Okenwa, Renaud Wiser Collaboration with | AAIS 21-22 Teams In Kind support | AAIS, AA School Special Thanks | Yin Mei Lee, Evan Lin, AA Material Arcade