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2022 線上畢展|典藏金賞 ARTOGOLD


典藏金賞是由 2022 線上畢業展延伸的獎項,邀請大眾與金探上線典藏,發掘新世代創作潛力。

靠杯 - Cuplain
靠杯 - Cuplain


靠杯 - Cuplain


【拔罐書法,情緒抒發!】中醫認為人身心為一體,心裡的傷,身體會記住。而拔罐和心理治療皆為排解負能量到自我療癒的過程,靠杯以此創意透過實際拔罐,「拔」出各行各業的辛酸苦痛,不只拔除你身上的痛,更拔出你說不出的心聲。並結合推廣衛福部1925安心專線服務,提供正確的心理諮商管道,減少社會憾事發生。 - Cupping therapy and psychotherapy are both processes that dispel negative energy for self-healing. This project wants to “suck out” the unspeakable pain of all walks of life and self-heal this society through a creative manner. The project also aims to promote the MOHW's special service line “1925” to prevent society from suffering more regrettable consequences and promote mental health.