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臺南應用科技大學 室內設計系

與日相接的黎明、與夜相連的薄暮 ,身為設計人,地平線下的夜晚,是所有一切的開始

停.流 Stop Drifting
停.流 Stop Drifting


停.流 Stop Drifting


指導老師:鄭銘輝 設計說明: 藉由重新設計海安路的停車場,讓大眾能重新注意到康樂市場,保留原有的停車場並讓地下一樓回歸到初始設定的地下街,並希望藉此帶動周遭的人潮流動,讓兩邊的客群能互相交流。 By redesigning the Haian road parking lot, we aim to give the public a fresh look at the Kangle Market. Keeping the original parking lot and letting the basement return to the Underground Mall as initially planned in the hope to drive the surrounding crowd movement and consumer interaction.