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中原大學 建築系

當代美術館系統Contemporary Art Museum System
當代美術館系統Contemporary Art Museum System


當代美術館系統Contemporary Art Museum System

劉子謙 Zi-Qian Liu

指導老師:黃俊銘 Jun-ming Huang 基地位置:萬華區, 台北市 Wanhua District, Taipei City 基地面積:8852200m2 作品說明: 當人們在公共空間看到藝術作品時,藝術跟人的交流就開始了,從最典型的白盒子展演到當代蔚為顯學的城市策展,甚至是虛擬的線上VR,都豐富了我們的生活。我藉由探討藝術展演空間的當代性,辯證當藝術由本體論的單一指涉走向認識論的多元詮釋時,在這瞬息萬變的今天,美術館建築應當如何被建構?我從城市尺度著手企圖建構一個西門町當代美術館系統,藉由藝術在於日常與非日常中間的轉換,利用都市空間去建構藝術基地,再從這些基地擴散藝術空間的細胞到都市,以西門町的兩個停車場做為文本的指涉,發揮其快速連結周邊環境節點的特性,讓此系統雖然在西門町,但透過交通系統把台北市外界的人連結進來,讓人不知不覺當中就會接觸到藝術,並將異質的藝術空間寄生在日常生活的停車場,基地則選擇了本身便是藝術場域的西門町,特別是它曾經作為一個台北港的計劃,是從一個窪地被填平的,具有真實性和未被實踐的海市蜃樓的感覺,那其實藝術往往也具有在真實與虛幻間遊走的特質。 When people see works of art in public spaces, the communication between art and people begins. From the most typical white box show to the most prominent contemporary city curation, and even virtual online VR, it enriches our lives. . By discussing the contemporary nature of the art exhibition space, I dialectically argue that when art moves from a single ontological reference to a multiple interpretation of epistemology, how should art museum buildings be constructed in this rapidly changing today? I started from the urban scale and tried to construct a west gate. The Ting Contemporary Art Museum system uses urban space to construct art bases by transforming art between daily and non-daily, and then spreads the cells of the art space to the city from these bases. The two parking lots in Ximending are used as textual references. Exploiting its characteristics of quickly connecting the surrounding environment nodes, so that although the system is in Ximending, it connects people outside Taipei City through the transportation system, so that people will be exposed to art without knowing it, and the heterogeneous art space Parasitic in the parking lot of daily life, the base chose Ximending, which is itself an art field, especially since it was once planned as a Taipei Port, it was filled in from a depression, a veritable and unpractical mirage. In fact, art often has the characteristics of wandering between reality and illusion.