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中原大學 建築系

情慾水泥 - 感知居住 Not Just Concrete : LIBIDO of Architecture
情慾水泥 - 感知居住 Not Just Concrete : LIBIDO of Architecture


情慾水泥 - 感知居住 Not Just Concrete : LIBIDO of Architecture

張庭瑜 Ting-Yu, Chang

指導老師:林彥穎 Yen-Ying Lin 基地位置:桃園國際機場, 桃園市 Taoyuan International Airport, Taoyuan City 基地面積:11,730,000 m2 作品說明: /性革命 性,一向對於保守的東方人是種矛盾的存在,既羞於啟齒又嚮往推崇。拋開現今社會既定的束縛,對風情與莊重的徹底氣絕,彷彿性器官只附在衣物上,而裸體只是一種中性化的狀態。 當身體不再是勾起性慾的唯一媒介時,如何運用建築中的材料、符號、尺度來刺激感官,喚起生命經驗中的慾望。 在平凡的元素中,找到不平凡的比例關係,打破既定印象的空間規則,創造行走時的猶豫、停頓,在這孤獨建築中,享受這場情慾的旅程。 /一個人的居住 將人與人的邊界,延伸成人與牆與人。利用人在孤立、隔離時,在那樣的禁錮與禁慾狀態,人的感官會跟著大,進而去感受除了視覺以外的其他感官經驗。 「牆」猶如人之間的邊界,而桃園國際機場象徵國與國的邊界。利用基地本身特性去詮釋人與人、戶與戶之間的多對少、開放與封閉,所誘發出來有關性慾的故事。 一連串的材料實驗,空間組成排列,利用光、聲音、氣息、風的擾動…,讓人「看不見」,卻可以感受的到。藉由這些抽象的概念來討論機場設計的第三場域與旅館之間的新寓言。 /Sexual Revolution Sex is a contradictory existence for conservative Orientals, ashamed to speak, but also very eager to touch it. Putting aside the established shackles of today's society, the sentiment and dignity are discarded, and the organs are only attached to the clothes, and the nude is only a neutral state. When the body is no longer the only medium for arousing sexual desire, how to use architectural materials and symbols to stimulate perception and arouse desire in life experience In the ordinary elements, find the extraordinary proportional relationship, break the space rules of the established impression, create the hesitation and pause when walking, and enjoy this erotic journey in this lonely building. /Isolation Hotel Extend the border between people and people, to between people and walls and people. When people are in isolation, in such a state of imprisonment and asceticism, people's senses will grow larger, and then they can feel other sensory experiences besides vision. The "wall" is like the border between people, and Taoyuan International Airport symbolizes the border between countries. Use the site's characteristics to interpret the story of sexual desire induced by the many-to-less, ope, and closed between people and households. A series of material experiments and spatial composition, using the disturbance of light, sound, breath, wind... make people "invisible" but can feel. Use these abstract concepts to discuss the new fable between the third field of airport design and the hotel.