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廢墟情報局 Ruins of the Intelligence Bureau

許家維 臺灣 Hsu Chia Wei Taiwan

單頻道錄像(彩色/有聲) single-channel video (color, sound) 13分30秒 13'30" 2015 臺北市立美術館藏 Taipei Fine Arts Museum Collection 牧師Priest:Atthaphon Sae Thian 老兵Old soldier:Li Yong Qing、He Yi Xiang、Ai Lai、Ni Wu、He Shi He、 Ai Kua、Wang Bo Jun、Wang De Xin、Zhong Shan、Li Guang Rong、Li Yi Ming、Zhao Zhong、Zhao Lao Da、Ai Weng、Ai Huai Ming、Wang Zhong、Zhang A Mei、Zhang Yong Qing、Wei Jia Ming、Li Da Kum Nai 泰國木偶劇團Kum Nai Thai Puppet:Noppadol Honglilikul、Kheewat SangSaun、Den Halert、Theeraphan Khamlai 樂師Musicians:Chumpol Khunyotying、Wasan Bai-Ngew、Piboonsak Vijittraka、Thaworn Hassadee、Witthaya Malathong、Khamron Suksai、Kiatthisak Phosiri 製片經理(泰國)Production Manager in Thailand:Soifa Saenkhamkon 製片助理Production Assistant Manager:張博涵Chang Po Han 木偶劇團經理Coordinator of Puppet group:Sasipimol Phajorntis 副導演Assistant Director:Kaensan Rattanasomrerk 攝影師Cinematographer:Kaensan Rattanasomrerk 攝影助理Assistant Cinematographer:Vijaktre Thirapatana 攝影操作員Camera Operator:Patcharapol Kongphetsak 場記Script Supervisor:Thanakan Simaprasan 換片員Loader:Prasong Kespanich 燈光師Gaffer:Kumjorn Sankwan 錄音師Sound Recorder:Sarawuth Panta、Sorayos prapapan 收音員Boom Operator:Choosak Nachaiwes 靜態攝影師Still Photographor:Anupong Chareonmitr 第一推軌員1st Dolly Grip:Kumjorn Sankwan 第二推軌員2nd Dolly Grip:Anek Phusansaard、Nipon Phukrongpa 剪接師Image Editor:許家維Hsu Chia Wei 聲音剪接師Sound Editor:Christian Cartier、Geoffrey Durcak 混音師Sound Mixer:Christian Cartier、Geoffrey Durcak 擬音師Foley Artist:Geoffrey Durcak 調光師Colorist:Etalonnage Baptiste Evrard 特效製作VFX Supervisor:莊定一Chuang Ting Yi 英文翻譯English translator:李曉瑋Lee Wei 法文翻譯French translator:Rafaël Poiret Le Fresnoy製作群 A production: Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains 總監Director of Le Fresnoy:Alain Fleischer 電影與視覺部門經理Cinema & visual arts Coordinator:François Bonenfant 藝術指導Artistic support:Manon de Boer 製片主任Director of production:Jacky Lautem 製作經理Production manager:Amélie Dubois Rehn 行政經理Administrator:Stéphanie Robin 技術總監Technical director:Pascal Buteaux 影像部門Image dept.:Olivier Anselot、 Aurélie Brouet、Jean-René Lorand 聲音部門Sound dept.:Blandine Tourneux 後期影像部門Post-production dept.:David Chantreau、François Lescieux 器材支援Equipment support:Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains、RED SNAPPER、Kantana Sound Studio 特別感謝Thanks: Chiang Mai College of Dramatic Arts、Kum Nai Thai Puppet、Huay Mor checkpoint station of 2nd cavalry regiment task force、Madeleine Van Doren、Daniel Dobbels、Eve June Liu、Jiradej Meemalai、Pornpilai Meemalai、 Watchara Prayoonkham、Noppawong Luewitoonvejkij、Pennapa Sae Tien、Duangjai Sae Tien、Aekkachai Sae Tien、Rattana Sae Tien、Chang Chun Yi、 Chiang Kai Chun 計畫獎助Project grant:國家文化藝術基金會National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Région Nord-Pas de Calais, with the participation of the city of Tourcoing. Technical supplies cofunded by FEDER(Fonds Européen de Développement Régional)