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僑光科技大學 生活創意設計系

織‧履 - The journey of alang togan
織‧履 - The journey of alang togan


織‧履 - The journey of alang togan


本專題選擇南投縣仁愛鄉南豐村賽德克族部落作為研究場域,透過資料收集、文獻探討、人物訪談、市場分析以及實務操作等方法,專注於擷取部落文化元素,並採用實踐導向的行動研究法。藉由與部落成員的討論,結合部落旅遊需求,進而研發周邊產品,以建立部落獨特的品牌形象。 近年來,部落為符合旅遊市場需求與部落產業轉型,積極推動深度文化與生態環境體驗遊程。本專題以部落旅遊需求為設計主軸,設計DIY手工材料包,包括識別證夾、編織掛繩、織履袋等周邊商品,這些商品將融入賽德克族文化元素;同時朝向聯合國永續發展目標SDG11(促進城市和人類居住的包容、安全、韌性和永續性)以及SDG12(確保可持續的消費和生產模式)為目標,努力實現城市和人類居住的包容、安全、韌性和永續性,確保可持續的消費和生產模式。 此外,結合南豐文健站部落長輩需求,嘗試設計一款賽德克族特色的運動鞋,融合部落文化圖騰,呈現眉溪部落的文化特色,以突顯其獨特性和文化價值。 - This topic selects the Seediq tribe in Nanfeng Village, Ren'ai Township, Nantou County as the research field. Through methods such as data collection, literature review, character interviews, market analysis, and practical operations, it focuses on extracting cultural elements from the tribe and adopts a practice oriented action research method. Through the discussion with tribal members, combined with the tourism needs of the tribe, the peripheral products are developed to establish the unique brand image of the tribe. In recent years, in order to meet the needs of the tourism market and the transformation of tribal industries, tribes have actively promoted the experience tour of deep culture and ecological environment. This topic focuses on the needs of tribal tourism, designing DIY handmade material bags, including identification clips, woven hanging ropes, woven shoe bags and other peripheral products, which will incorporate elements of Seediq culture; Simultaneously moving towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SDG11(promoting inclusiveness, safety, resilience, and sustainability of urban and human settlements)and SDG12 (ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns) , we strive to achieve inclusiveness, safety, resilience, and sustainability in urban and human settlements, ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. In addition, combined with the needs of the tribal elders in Nanfeng Wen Jian Station, we try to design a sports shoe with the characteristics of the Saidek nationality, which integrates the tribal cultural totem and presents the cultural characteristics of Meixi tribe to highlight its uniqueness and cultural value.