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僑光科技大學 生活創意設計系

台灣意象鞋類設計-與蝶共舞 - dance with butterflies
台灣意象鞋類設計-與蝶共舞 - dance with butterflies


台灣意象鞋類設計-與蝶共舞 - dance with butterflies

黃亭勳, 張安圳, 謝依蓁, 王鼎元, 盧宜珊, 施宏翰 - HUANG,TING-SYUN, ZHANG,AN-ZHEN, XIE,YI-ZHEN, WANG,ding-yuan, LU,YI-SHAN, SHI,HONG-HAN

台灣的鳳蝶由於花紋過於顯眼,導致容易招受其他昆蟲捕捉,加上生態棲息受到人類過度砍伐的干擾,即使納入保育類動物,還是法避免瀕臨絕種的問題。利用以台灣鳳蝶獨有的斑紋來結合鞋面設計,增加大眾對於台灣鳳蝶的了解與認知,提升大家對生態的保育意識。 - Because the pattern of the Papilio thaiwanus in Taiwan is too conspicuous, it is easy to be hunted by other insects. In addition, its ecological habitat has been disturbed by excessive logging by humans. Even if it is included in the protected species, it cannot avoid the problem of being endangered. The unique patterns of the Taiwanese Papilio thaiwanus are combined with the upper design to increase the public’s understanding and awareness of the Taiwanese Papilio thaiwanus and enhance everyone’s awareness of ecological conservation.