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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

蚵劃新生|展現漁村多元價值的社區客廳 - OYSTER REBORN | A community living room showing the diverse values ​​of the fishing village.
蚵劃新生|展現漁村多元價值的社區客廳 - OYSTER REBORN | A community living room showing the diverse values ​​of the fishing village.


蚵劃新生|展現漁村多元價值的社區客廳 - OYSTER REBORN | A community living room showing the diverse values ​​of the fishing village.

蔡書耘, 嚴若珈 - Cai,Shu-Yun, YEN,JO-CHIA

我們將網寮的主要產業-蚵,以不同形式於空間中重塑呈現。將村民的日常轉化成為能展現地方的文化價值的樣貌,讓原本雜亂的漁港能夠重獲新生,並加深當地人對於漁港的連結。 - We reshaped the oysters, the main industry of Wangliao, in different forms in the space. Transform the daily lives of villagers into something that reflects the cultural value of the place. Let the originally chaotic fishing port be reborn and deepen the local people's connection with the fishing port.