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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

駁暮眷永 - The eternal military village with mottled sunset
駁暮眷永 - The eternal military village with mottled sunset


駁暮眷永 - The eternal military village with mottled sunset


以歷史為切入點保護眷村的原有紋理,將歷史的歷程轉化為空間,並利用空間的留白串連各個空間不同的領域,糊糊領域的分界線,增加人與人之間的互動。 - Using history as the starting point to protect the original texture of the military village, the historical process is transformed into space, and the blank space is used to connectdifferent areas of each space, blurring the boundaries of areas, and increasing Interaction between people.