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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

居家收納家具 - Home Storage Furniture
居家收納家具 - Home Storage Furniture


居家收納家具 - Home Storage Furniture


以開放式收納為初衷,設計線條簡約讓空間具有通透感的衣帽架,材質上選用木材與黃銅,呈現色澤溫暖的經典異材質融合設計,製作上採用組合式家具,使包裝平整化便於運輸。 - With the original intention of open storage, the design line is simple and makes the space have a sense of transparency.The material is made of wood and brass, presenting a classic fusion design of different materials with warm colors.Combination furniture is used in production, so that the packaging is flat and easy to transport.