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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

遊牧家具 Pack n Go - Pack n Go
遊牧家具 Pack n Go - Pack n Go


遊牧家具 Pack n Go - Pack n Go

林允承, 陳迪豪 - Lin,Yun-Cheng, Tan,Dee-Hou

「遊牧」是不受拘束的生活方式,更是對世界探索的渴求。Pack n Go意爲説走就走的旅行, 主要為想出走的城市人設計。透過全零件設計達到好携帶、好收納與好維修的效果。Pack n Go以遊牧風格搭配木材工藝,展現返璞歸真、質感浪漫的生活美學。藉由木材負碳讓使用者在接近大自然的同時一起保護大自然。 - "Nomadic" is a freedom way of life and a desire to explore the world. Pack n Go means travel on the go, mainly designed for who want to go away from urban. Through the design of all parts, the effect of easy portability, easy storage and easy maintenance is achieved. Pack n Go uses nomadic style with wood craftsmanship, showing the life aesthetics of returning to nature and romantic texture. Through the negative carbon of wood, users can protect the nature while being close to nature.