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2025 日常生活物件 場地依尺寸而定 藝術家提供 這座隱喻的「橋」連結著女兒與母親兩代人,而構成「橋」基底的正是日復一日的生活。 李芳吟與母親從家中蒐集各自生活中的代表性物件作為材料,僅僅透過物件與物件之間的重心堆疊,尋找彼此的平衡,因此這座橋在任何風吹草動或身體碰撞之下,都有隨時倒塌的可能,敘述了女兒與母親之間矛盾、脆弱卻又彼此支撐的生命狀態。 這些日常物件紀錄了兩個不同世代的個體由兒時至現在的生活軸跡,線性時間在三維的空間中呈現彼此交疊相錯的狀態,生命在周而復始的成長與衰老中,母女關係有時是密友、是手足、是革命戰友、是競爭者,更有可能在照顧者與被照顧者間倒置流動。 This metaphorical "bridge" connects two generations—a daughter and a mother, and it is the day-to-day life that forms the basis of the bridge. Lydia and her mother collect representative objects from their own homes and use them as materials to find a balance between them through the stacking of objects and their centers of gravity, so that the bridge may collapse at any time under any wind or physical collision, depicting the contradictory, fragile, and yet mutually supportive state of the lives of the daughter and her mother. These daily objects record the axial traces of the lives of individuals from two different generations from childhood to the present. Linear time is overlapping and interlocking with each other in the three-dimensional space. As life grows and ages in cycles, the mother-daughter relationship is sometimes a close friend, a sibling, a revolutionary comrade-in-arms, a competitor, and more likely, an inverted flow between caregiver and cared-for.