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嶺東科技大學 創意產品設計系

留白-珊瑚白化飾品 - FADE AWAY
留白-珊瑚白化飾品 - FADE AWAY


留白-珊瑚白化飾品 - FADE AWAY

李欣妤 - LI,SIN-YU

珊瑚面臨生態危機,擷取兩種台灣保育類珊瑚特徵於飾品,結合海底、油污污染魚群及泥沙沖刷掩埋的意象,用對比的視覺與白化蒼涼的美,使用天然材料,期能喚起對生態的重視。 - Corals are facing an ecological crisis. The jewelry design captures the characteristics of Taiwan's two protected corals and incorporates imagery of the ocean floor, oil pollution of fish, and burial by sediment erosion. Utilizing contrasting visuals and the aesthetic of coral bleaching, natural materials are used to promote ecological awareness.