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嶺東科技大學 創意產品設計系

都市生境 - Eco-streetlight: An urban microhabitat for birds
都市生境 - Eco-streetlight: An urban microhabitat for birds


都市生境 - Eco-streetlight: An urban microhabitat for birds

黃尚仁, 鄭恩翔, 謝愈明, 陳子弈 - HUANG SHANG-JEN, ZHENG,EN-XIANG, Hsieh Yu Ming, CHEN,ZIH-YI

隨著人類活動的拓張、自然棲地被破壞,都市生物多樣性減少,因此,我們從環境永續角度出發,設計一款供都市小型鳥類居住的模組化路燈,可以適應不同的場合同時與自然共存。 - With the expansion of human activities and the destruction of natural habitats, urban biodiversity is gradually decreasing. Therefore, starting from the perspective of environmental sustainability, we design a modular street light for small urban birds. This design can adapt to different occasions while coexisting with nature.