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朝陽科技大學 工業設計系

2050水陸兩棲概念車 - Project ARK
2050水陸兩棲概念車 - Project ARK


2050水陸兩棲概念車 - Project ARK


在2050年的未來,隨著人口越來越多,陸地因海平面上升而縮減,使得人類將海面納入生活範圍,興建海上建築與城市。 當人口擁擠的環境又需要隨時來回轉換的交通方式,容易造成堵塞,所以我們希望以自動駕駛技術,以及不需轉換型態的兩棲交通工具,解決未來交通上的問題。 透過槳型輪自由穿梭在海陸兩面中,在陸地上以胎面著地前進,而在海面上則以輪胎上的葉片推動,而V型船底設計減少行進阻力,透過白努力定律將車體與水面保持一定的高度,而在靜止時也不會淹沒車體。 - In 2050, the land will be shrinking because of rising sea levels and an increasing population, forcing humans to build maritime buildings and cities. When the population is crowded, it is easy to cause traffic jams, so we hope to solve the traffic problems with automated driving technology and amphibious vehicles. On land, Project ARK is driven by the tread, and on the sea, it is driven by the blades on the tire, and the V-shaped bottom can reduce drag force. Through the law of Bernoulli's, the car can keep at a certain height from the water surface to not be submerged when it is stationary.