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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

與水共存 - Coexistence with Water
與水共存 - Coexistence with Water


與水共存 - Coexistence with Water

吳晨筠, 莊瑀涵, 趙欣斯, 許佳玲 - Wu, Chen Yun, Chuang, Yu Han, Jhao, Sin Sih, Xu, Jia Ling

臺北盆地是臺灣最大的都會區,有將近三分之一人口居住在河流分佈相關地區,河川為自然環境重要之生態體系,其多樣性成為保育首要。本設計以臺北盆地河川為議題,透過資訊圖表設計呈現棲地型態與物種多元生態豐富性,讓大眾了解及重視臺灣土地風貌。設計概念是以臺北盆地四條主要溪流為核心議題,針對天文地理、環境水文、溪流生態做介紹,藉由多元的方式讓大眾了解及重視臺灣這片土地,推廣臺北盆地溪流環境生態之重要。透過資訊圖表結合相關生態資訊,發展圖鑑掛畫、郵票、月曆等環境教育商品,具收藏與美觀展示的價值。 - As the largest metropolis in Taiwan, the Taipei Basin has nearly one third of its population living in river areas. In nature, rivers form important ecosystems whose diversity plays a vital role in conservation. Based on rivers in the Taipei Basin, this design presents habitats and biodiversity through an infographic display for the general public to understand and value the landscapes in Taiwan. Drawing from Taipei Basin’s four main rivers, the design concept provides an introduction through astronomical, geographical, environmental, hydrological, and ecological perspectives. Through these diverse information channels, the design cultivates public understanding about the land of Taiwan, while promoting the importance of rivers and their ecology in the Taipei Basin. The relevant ecological information is expressed through infographics along with relevant educational products like wall catalogs, stamps, and calendars for personal collection and display.