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國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 X 國立臺南生活美學館 X 西屹設計

毓秀 Yu-Shiu
毓秀 Yu-Shiu


毓秀 Yu-Shiu

黃俊傑 Jun-Jie Huang

中心典藏品 NTCRI Collection 花梨木、扁柏、肖楠、胡桃木 Rosewood, Cypress, Taiwan Incense-Cedar, Walnut Wood L71 × W35 × H127, L45 × W33 × H45 以典雅秀氣姿態表現出我民族婦女溫柔婉約之氣質及細膩的內在之美,故名「毓秀」。鏡面的旋轉設計讓生活精緻藝術化的構思,將鏡面轉成鳳凰圖騰便可當作玄關桌,放置於房間內其裝飾藝術可為現代忙碌生活中注入一份愉悅感。抽屜面板水波紋造型,在光影下顯其層次感,示意「似水柔情」。鏡架前的凹槽是方便放置瓶罐式化妝用品,桌面凹槽是放髮夾之類小用品。 This piece shows a very elegant style and delicate inner beauty of women in our culture, therefore comes up the title of the work, Yu-Shiu. With both characters with theses meanings also looks like a name of a person. The whirling design of the mirror is a detail that practices daily life with art exquisition. Turning the mirror to the phoenix pattern can be used as a dressing table. Simply applying a sense of pleasure when putting this desk into the room. The water ripples design of the surface of the drawer has more layers under the light, representing the image ‘gentleness as water’. The groove in front of the mirror frame is convenient for placing bottles and cosmetics, and the groove on the tabletop is suitable for small items such as hairpins.