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負片 Negative
負片 Negative


負片 Negative

湯瑪斯.魯夫 Thomas Ruff

2014 – 感光相紙輸出 數位處理之歷史相片 緣起於對攝影技術的興趣,湯瑪斯.魯夫在 2014 年左右,開始加大力道,研究輸出類比攝影的原始媒材「負片」的視覺樣貌。為顯現相片現實和畫質,他將歷史相片轉成「數位負片」。過程中,他不只是將影像的光影分佈改變。蛋白相紙上那泛黃的色調,也變成冷冽的人工藍色調。這樣處理的目的是為了強調攝影的「負片」,這在類比攝影當中從未思考過的物件,但卻是達成目的的必要手段。在這系列中,負片被視為值得觀賞的「正本」,以此輸出數位相片,也因為數位攝影的關係,瀕臨完全消失的處境。本系列涵蓋過去黑白攝影的完整範圍,並藉此分成多個子類別。 《負片 ◊ 藝術家們》(neg◊artists)系列的出發點,始於十九世紀晚期藝術家工作室的相片。《負片 ◊ 印度》(neg◊india),則指涉十九世紀晚期至二十世紀初期,印度貴族的代表性肖像相片。 2014 – Chromogenic prints Digitally processed historical photographs Interested in photographic techniques at an early stage, Thomas Ruff began around 2014 to intensify his studies of the visual appearance of the source material of printed analog photography: the "negative." To visualize the photographic reality and pictorial qualities, he transformed historical photographs into "digital negatives". In the process, he not only changed the light-dark distribution in the image. The brownish hue of the photographs printed on albumin paper also became a cool, artificial blue tone. The aim of the processing was to highlight the photographic "negative", which in analog photography was never actually the object of contemplation, but was rather always only a means to an end. In this series, it is treated as an "original" worth viewing, from which a photographic print is made and which, due to digital photography, is in danger of disappearing completely. The series encompasses the entire spectrum of historical black-and-white photography and is divided accordingly into various sub-groups.The starting point for the series neg◊artists were photographs of artist studios photographed in the late 19th century. The works in the series neg◊india refer to representative portrait photographs made of Indian noble men in the late 19th and early 20th century. The starting point for the series neg◊artists were photographs of artist studios photographed in the late 19th century. The works in the series neg◊india refer to representative portrait photographies made of Indian noble man in the late 19th and early 20th century.