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朝陽科技大學 視覺傳達設計系


編號 4042 No.4042


編號 4042 No.4042


404 Not Found 錯誤訊息 此訊息代表客戶端在瀏覽網頁時,伺服器無法正常提供訊息,或無法回應且不知原因。 42 宇宙的終極答案 一臺超級電腦計算了一個能夠回答終極問題的簡單答案,它花了 750 萬年來計算和驗 證,最後得出了「42」這個答案。 編號 4042 愛會不會是世界上唯一無法回應也不知道原因、卻能成為終極答案的東西? 404 not found It indicates that the browser was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested or could not respond without reason. 42 A supercomputer calculated a quite simple answer to life, the universe and everything.It spent 7 hundred millions and 500 thousands years to compute,authenticate and found the answer is "42" at last. NO.4042 Can love be the only thing that can't be responded with no reason, but to be the ultimate answer in the world? 團隊在發想過程中以「愛是什麼」作為題目,採訪了部分知名人物和周遭同學家人等,大家的答案大致上可以濃縮成三種類型:一是認為愛是付出,二則認為愛是種接受,三則是以第三者的旁觀立場去描述對愛的想法。 以這三種立場形塑了本劇中的三位角色,並藉由歌曲呈現的方式,巧妙地將受訪者的回應彙整成詞句,讓作品更完整呈現。 Our team used "what's love?"as topic and creative concept.After interviewing some celebrities,our friends and family members, roughly we found the answers from the inteviewees can be concentrated to three categories.The first one is that love is paying.Then the second type thinks that love is to accept.The third one is to use a viewpoint as a spectator to describe. With the position,we shaped three characters in the drama and aggregated responses from respondents into lyrics, presenting a song in order to appear our work more completely.