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中原大學 建築系

南興庄的生活文化復興Participatory Design - Nanxing Xing Village
南興庄的生活文化復興Participatory Design - Nanxing Xing Village


南興庄的生活文化復興Participatory Design - Nanxing Xing Village

陳柏妘 Bo-Yun Chen

指導老師:黃俊銘 Jyun-Ming Huang 基地位置:南興里, 大溪 Nanxing Xing Village, Daxi 基地面積:45,000 m2 作品說明: 我的畢業設計題目是關於我的家鄉-大溪南興庄生活場域再造 這次的畢業設計,是我作為近十年的當事人,同時也是旁觀者的角色,看到都市計畫帶來方便性以及後遺症。因此以參與式設計的方式,經由一系列的分析精確的選點、開口、串聯,因應在地問題以及未來的農村計畫提供更好的空間品質及生活需求,重新串整早已失效的空間。 在做畢業設計的這一年的過程中,我在5個月的時間不定期的訪談,了解不同年齡層的生活經驗,同時從中獲得不少資訊與趣味性,並在這之後持續的提草案→居民討論→修正草案,最後在畢業評圖告一段落。 這次畢業設計著重在4個重點:社區入口的土地公生活場域重整;社區與國小中間的社區書屋設計;永昌宮廟前的廣場、公園的空間品質提升;以及利用零碎的廢棄公有地串連這些生活場域。 然後我在這裡特別感謝里長、日日田職物所、永昌宮、南興里所有里民、以及我的指導老師,在這段期間給予的所有幫助。謝謝有你們的各種指導,讓我在這一年成長很多! My graduation project is about my hometown-Daxi Nanxing Village’s living field reconstruction. This project is about my role as a litigant and also a bystander, founding the convenience and disadvantage brought by urban planning. Therefore, in the way of participatory design, through a series of analysis, precise selection of points, openings, and connection, in response to local problems and future rural plans, provide better space quality and life needs, and reorganize the long -term-failed space. During the year of the project, I conducted interviews irregularly for 5 months to learn about the life experiences of different age groups, and at the same time I obtained a lot of information and interest from them. Then I continued to “Propose drafts → Talking over with Residents → Amend the drafts”, and finally come to the temporary end in the instructors comments on my presentations. This project focuses on four key points: the reorganization of the public living area(land god temple ) at the entrance of the community; the design of the community bookstore between the residential area and the elementary school; the improvement of the space quality of the square and park in front of the Yong-Chang Temple; and the use of fragmented and abandoned public land connecting these fields of life. Then I would like appreciate to the village chief, Rihita Workshop, Yong-Chang Temple’s committee, all residents in Nanxing Village, and my instructor advisor for all their help during this year. Thank you for your various guidance, making me make a lot of improvement!