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中原大學 建築系

Lifestyle of Nobody
Lifestyle of Nobody


Lifestyle of Nobody

楊雅君 Ya-Chun Yang

指導老師:吳政勳 Chen-Hsun Wu 基地位置:龍潭區, 桃園市 Longtan District, Taoyuan City 基地面積:2,500 m2 作品說明: 現代社會有許多規範,這些規範都意有所指的追求唯一真理、標準答案,妄想把每一個獨特的生存個體,透過大數據將我們分類,限制我們的生活。 我認為的生活,不只是存在於建築物裡的空間、街區內的事情,而是由各種場所及生活記憶疊加起來的,是一種模糊的、延續性的場域;反觀現代的都市空間,生活場域停留在街廓的表面,邊界關係被強烈劃分,這些看似乾淨、整齊的都市空間,大幅度刪減了以人性為主的生活場域。 這之間的差異,好比一本書的解釋權,是歸在作者,還是讀者的真實感受;建築也是如此,我們創造的空間,要是沒有人生活在其中,只會是空殼建築。 龍潭市場五十年來,攤販用他們的方式,嘗試進駐、改變、擴張、遺棄這棟建築,過程之中我看到了,頑強小人物的生活百態。在市場建築即將被遺棄之際,我想以市場小人物的生存法則,對空間進行重新詮釋,讓改造與生活並行,讓建築伴隨著生活恣意的生長,並且不斷地持續下去。 There are many norms in modern society, and these all mean the pursuit of the only truth and standard answer, and the delusion to classify each unique living individual through big data and limit our lives. In my opinion, life is not just exist in the spaces or blocks of buildings, but is superimposed by various places and memories of life, which is a vague and continuous field; In contrast to the modern urban space, these seemingly clean and tidy urban spaces have greatly reduced the human-oriented living field. This difference is like the interpretation of a book, whether it belongs to the author or the reader’s true feelings; The same is true for architecture. If no one lives in the space we create, it will only be an empty shell. For 50 years in Longtan Market, vendors have used their methods to station, change, expand, and abandon this building. In the process, I have seen the lifestyles of nobody. When the market building is about to be abandoned, I want to reinterpret the space based on the survival rules of the nobody. Let the architecture continue to grow arbitrarily along with life.