본 컨텐츠는 현재 귀하의 언어로 제공되지 않습니다 (한국어)


國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

鹿寮的稻埕 - The barn of Liliao
鹿寮的稻埕 - The barn of Liliao


鹿寮的稻埕 - The barn of Liliao

吳冠宏 - Wu,Guan-Hong

不斷進步的科技時代,導致城鄉差距不斷擴大,偏鄉地區面臨著被消失遺忘的命運,此案即是幫助農村地區可以保存自己的特色,以在地農產發展出自己的生存方式 - In the era of continuous progress in science and technology, the gap between urban and rural areas has widened, and rural areas are facing the fate of disappearing and forgetting