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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

聚落漫語|探索跨日常體驗場域 - Ramble over the settlement | A field of exploring the cross-daily experiences
聚落漫語|探索跨日常體驗場域 - Ramble over the settlement | A field of exploring the cross-daily experiences


聚落漫語|探索跨日常體驗場域 - Ramble over the settlement | A field of exploring the cross-daily experiences

謝東曄, 黃信國 - Hsieh,Tung-Yeh, Huang,Sin-Guo

建基新村,一個見證台灣發展的歷史卻被埋沒閒置的聚落 我們希望延續場所的精神與記憶,藉由「聚落、自然、心靈」間的交織互動, 重新探索、拾回日常的純粹與美好 - Jianji New Village is a place that witness to Taiwan's development history but has been buried and abandoned. We aim to preserve the spirit and memory of the place,by interweaving interactions among"settlement,nature, and spirituality", to rediscover and reclaim the purity and beauty of daily life.