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中原大學 建築系

言城絮 City Recognition : triggered by marks consisting of déjà vu×jamais vu
言城絮 City Recognition : triggered by marks consisting of déjà vu×jamais vu


言城絮 City Recognition : triggered by marks consisting of déjà vu×jamais vu

呂佳洺 Lyu-Jia-Ming

指導老師:張全智 Chuan-Chih Chang 基地位置:鹽埕區, 高雄市 Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City 基地面積:1.4161 km2 作品說明: 「為了要分辨其他城市的特質,我必須談論暗藏其後的第一個城市, 這個城市就是 威尼斯。」── 卡爾維諾《看不見的城市》 探索者藉由已經建立的意象(既視感)認識初訪的新城市,而居住者藉由既視感與陌生感的衝突發現基地上特殊卻被忽略的部分。 從日治到戰後初期,鹽埕是高雄最繁華的區域,商場、百貨、電影院集中於此,每到假日處處人滿為患。隨著市區重心轉移,現在提到鹽埕大家只知道港邊倉庫以及駁二。然而事實上,鹽埕的精華正是這些擁有昔日風華的人物與建築。(擷自《港都人生,鹽埕市井》) 駁二作為目前的城市意象是與整個發展的脈絡無關的,並且核心居民生活區域(老鹽埕)和周邊的文創觀光區域(駁二)產生斷層,居民不將駁二區域納入生活範圍,而近期觀光客就像「誤闖」一般迷失在老鹽埕區。 試著透過我在城市中畫出的路徑,引起既視感的元素被顯現,人們開始帶著意識觀察城市;漫遊路徑中最直接貫穿鹽埕的大溝頂作為縫合主軸,缺少的重要意象藉由水與商業的連結將記憶以不同的方式植入其中。 The visitors recognize a new city by Déjà Vu which grown up in their familiar place; and the resendent become numb in the routine. Yancheng has been the most prosperous district after World War II, people acrossed the love river and gathered here because of the latest movie theater and Shopping Street, also the port trade. To this day, Yancheng is known as the Pier district. The direction of development isn't according to the culture and life changs, thus,the image of city wasn't be completed. Also, the resident didn't regarded the Pier-2 art center as daily life field,and the tourists start to break in to the old Yancheng District chaotically. Trying to suture the gap and construct the imagination with a roaming path. Which composed Déjà Vu will be marked to turn on the consciousness of meeting a new city. And the lost image (Jamias Vu) will be filled up by the momeries composed of water and trading.